The research is focused on revealing the structure, functioning and development of astronomical terminology of the Ukrainian language in the second half of the XX – beginning of the XX century. The author faced a quite natural underpinning problem, the parallel functioning of the terms “star” – “starlet” in the structure of astronomical metalanguage. That is why in the research an attempt was made to analyze the content of these terminological units, which scientists put in them, because of the use of manuals, textbooks, dictionaries, encyclopedic publications, etc. in professional texts. Such analysis allows to justify the expediency of using this or that term in astronomical terminology. In particular, the author concluded that the lexeme “star” and its derivative adjective “star”, which may be part of structurally complex terms, more acceptable for use in an astronomical system, which is due to unambiguousness compared to the lexeme “starlet”, which is characterized by polysemicity and homonymity within the framework of the investigated terminology. Besides, the term “starlet” in a number of professional dictionaries, encyclopedias, scientific-popular publications acts as its own for the designation of space objects.
However, going beyond the limits of their terminology system, the lexemes “star” – “starlet” expand their own conceptual spectrum, acquiring new meanings by lexico-semantic approach of word formation, mainly as a result of metonymization. During the analysis of modern Ukrainian information resources, including Internet media, the extension of the semantic field of both lexemes “star” and “starlet” was discovered.
In addition to the inherent range of terminology, the word “starlet” appears in media texts as its own amateur and professional football clubs or other institutions, organizations and enterprises. In addition, the language unit in question is used in the meaning of the flourishing of a career, the glory of cultural, scientific and sports figures. It is sometimes used as a synonym for the “life” lexeme.
The conceptual arsenal of the lexeme “star” on pages of the modern Ukrainian Internet editions is supplemented only by one value, in particular, the unit specified is used for designation of outstanding figures of sports or show business. And also like the lexeme “star” functions as its own.
Thus, the conducted research indicates that, firstly, both language units under consideration are actively used in mass media texts; secondly, the term “starlet” functioning outside the astronomical metalanguage system acquires a slightly larger spectrum of additional meanings than the term “star” variant.
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