• Tatiana Evhenevna Khraban Military Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technologies
  • Тетяна Митрофанівна Іващенко Evgeny Bereznyak Military Diplomatic Academy
Keywords: semantic-cognitive modeling, metaphor, discursive construction


The aim of the article is to study the metaphorical models of death in the military-poetic discourse of the participants in the Joint Forces Operation. Materials and methods. The method of semantic-cognitive modeling of metaphorizing is relevant for solving this problem. Results. An analysis of the text fragments of the military-poetic discourse made it possible to identify the main metaphorical models of death. Within the boundaries of the metaphorical model DEATH – IMPIOUS SACRIFICE death is apprehended as one of the characters in the triumphal celebration of the Forces of Evil that is presided by their sinister overlord – War. A modification of this metaphorical model is DEATH – PAYMENT. Death in this model is perceived as the price that combatants pay for peace in their country. In the metaphorical model DEATH – HARLOT death is presented as the spiritual assistant of the Devil that “was drunk with the blood of the saints”. In addition, in this metaphorical model the formula “death seduces” has a clear parallel with the expression “kiss of death”. In this case, it is not just the physical death of the individual but also the death of the Ego. The DEATH – CONTINUATION OF THE LIFE model develops the idea that the conscious life of a person continues in a certain form after death, however, this is not in the sense of immortality but in the sense of transformation. The archetype of sacrifice in the metaphorical model DEATH – THE ACTION OF ATONEMENT helps to show the desire of combatants to sacrifice their lives in the name of the Homeland and their family and friends. In this representation of death, we deal with a model that focuses on the basic dogma of Christianity – the idea of the vicarious sufferings of Christ. The metaphorical model DEATH – OBLIVION identifies death as emptiness, purposelessness and meaninglessness of existence. The metaphorical model DEATH – PEACE recognizes death as the rest of combatants from a prolonged stay in life-threatening circumstances, significant emotional impact, mental and physical stress, psychosomatic exhaustion. In the metaphorical model DEATH – THE BEGINNING OF A NEW LIFE death is interpreted in terms of the dialectical interaction of life and mortal principles of human existence. Conclusions. An analysis of metaphorical models demonstrates the cognitive rooting in combatants’ consciousness of the models of death based on mythological, religious and philosophical ideas.


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