In this article, the psychonarative is defined as a narrative technic, that can directly depict the image of inner charactersin a literary text, their psychological state in the psychologically contexts due to emotionaly-marked lexical units; it isproved that for the characteristics of personages in the novel “The Minds of Billy Milligan” D. Kiz uses the means of direct lexical-semantic nomination of the psychological state of the artistic characters, namely, lexical means, which refer toemotions and lexical means expressing the emotions of an artistic character. The personages are characterized accordingto the desirability criterion, the quantitative analysis defined, the most frequent means used for the characterizationof “desirable” individuals: adjective verbalizers that make up 41% of the total quantity, in the case of “undesirable”characters the use of verbal verbalizers (51%) predominates, the use of verbal (25%) and adverbial (22%) verbalizersfor desirable characters, and adjective (25%) and substantive verbalizers are less numerous (19%) for “undesirable”individuals, the smallest part of the total percentage are substantive (12%), adverbial (5%) verbalizers of the psychologicalstate of the characters; the author’s, character and complex direct lexical-semantic nomination are singled out forthe psychological state of the artistic character, where the use of the author’s direct nomination is prevalent, wherethe psychological aspects of artistic personalities are denoted by the language of one’s author (writer) who describesthe emotions of artistic personalities or commented on them: in general, “desirable” individuals are characterized bya state of frightenedness and depression (although sometimes they feel joy), “undesirable” characters are distinguishedby undisguised aggression and mental imbalance; lexical-semantic, syntactic and graphic means of expressivenessand stylistic techniques for the implementation of an indirect stylistic nomination of the psychological state of artisticcharacters are used.
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