Keywords: monological speech, film discourse, actor speech, stylistic peculiarities, gender, age, prosodic components, instrumental analysis


The immediate aim of our research work is to establish the correlation between the gender age and psychological state of the speaker and their impact on the prosodic arrangement of his speech. The work dwells on the observation of the notion of monological speech in the field of cinematic discourse and linguistics; the variety of functional styles introduced in the monologues. The practical piece deals with the analysis of the stylistic and prosodic markers of actor's monological speech on various levels. The research employed not only the stylistic means of expression but included the investigation of the prosodic components of pitch level, loudness and tempo. Within the auditory analysis these components revealed the essence of the chosen topic and proved the hypothesis of the correlation of the protagonist’s age, his psychological state, his emotions and the peculiarities of his speech. The research contemplates methodology and results of both auditory and electro-acoustic analyses of the monologues extracted from the film authentic language of which is American English. Modern methods of speech analysis carried out by means of computer program PRAAT for the ecserps of inner monologues in actor’s realization proved the suggested hypothesis. Linguistic interpretation of the results of the instrumental analysis is provided here as well.


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