Keywords: video content, translation activity, translation types, difficulties, translators’ skills, classifications


Audiovisual translation is a relatively young field of research compared to literary or technical translation, but it has already become the center of scientific interest of many scholars. The need to train an audiovisual translator is due to the need for a rapidly evolving multimedia space, as well as the vital activity of society. Hundreds of foreign films and television works appear on the national market annually, and such video content needs to be translated and adapted for the Ukrainian audience. Mastering the basics of audiovisual translation is due to the fact that the simultaneous acquisition and development of fundamental skills in both general translation and audiovisual translation, helps future professionals to find more flexible and sophisticated approaches to solving various translation problems. The aim of the article is to analyze present day approaches to audiovisual translation as a specific translation activity in terms of translation studies, to research difficulties awaiting translators of video content and to summarize scientists’ views on translators’ skills and competences contributing to the efficient fulfilment of their duties in this sphere. For conducting the research the following methods were used: the general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis (for studying theoretical basis of audiovisual translation, its types and challenges for audiovisual translators’ effective work); the inductive method (for generalizing the material and conclusions on the basis of the existing study); the deductive method (for adapting the principles of the general translation theory in the aspect of the suggested investigation). Classification and typological analysis was used to compile and represent the studied material in the form of classifications. In the course of audiovisual translation, it is advisable to pay attention to many factors and take into account the limitations of translation, to carry out analysis at different levels in order to perform natural and equivalent translation. Analyzing the competencies of audiovisual translators, it was found that while some scholars classify them according to audiovisual translation types, others present the translators’ competencies regardless of its type, and therefore it is assumed that the audiovisual translators’ competencies may be common for various media products translation.


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