The research paper presents a study of the lexical and semantic features of English idioms with color names and their equivalents in Ukrainian based on the dictionaries. The urgency of the research is stipulated by the need to determine the theoretical and practical significance of phraseological units with color names that reflect the characteristics of national consciousness, and the study of their place in the linguistic picture of the world. Depending on the differences in terms of expression, the degree of correspondence of interlanguage phraseological equivalents can be manifested as follows: 1) full equivalence, that is, full correlation of the expression plan and the content plan of idioms; 2) partial equivalence, which is characterized by some differences in terms of idioms expression or semantics. Full equivalents can be considered phraseological units of the English and Ukrainian languages, which have the same significative-denotative meaning, subjective-evaluative, functional-expressive connotation, structural and grammatical organization and component composition. Partial phraseological equivalents are characterized by insignificant differences in terms of expression of idioms of identical semantics, which may have a component or morphological nature. In most cases, the discrepancies relate only to the component composition of the phraseological unit, moreover, as the examples show, the components that delimit, as a rule, are lexemes of similar conceptual or related semantics. 3 subgroups are distinguished among the partial equivalents. The division depends on the compliance level of the content plan, denotative meaning, stylistic and expressive connotation, structural organization. Summing up it is found out that despite some differences in the use of color names in the studied languages, the overwhelming majority of the idioms of the English language containing the names of colors, when translated into Ukrainian, retain their structure. Color is an integral part of a nation worldview, mentality, and is also reflected in the language of its speakers.
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