The article offers the research of intersemiotic translation of multimodal film text into the plane of graphic narrativeof illustration and translatability of visual / graphic texts. The communicative function of multimodal texts allows to analyzeone reference situation by various semiotic means. The paper studies the specificity of verbalization of emotions, feelingsand ideas aroused by the film and illustration in the representatives of two cultures; explains the mechanisms of constructedemotions and the reasons for the difference in the perception of (audio)visual information. The work provides a semioticanalysis of the architectural object depicted in the illustration and looks at the symbolism of lines, figures, shapes and colors.The study is based on the film “Nostalghia” directed by Andrei Tarkovsky, film-related illustrations of architectural objectsdesigned by Federico Babina, professional reviews and amateur reviews of the film by the English language subjects and descriptions of emotions and feelings evoked by the illustration in the subjects who took part in the experimentalpart of the study (Ukrainian students), who do not have any professional knowledge in the cinematographic field. Verbalinterpretation of the illustration by the participants of the associative experiment leads to the construction of meanings. Weconsider the possibility and quality of comparable descriptions of emotions, feelings and ideas given by the people of differentprofessions and cultures about the film, taking into account into account the fact that the experiment participants had noinformation about the title, plot, director, symbolism of the lines, shapes and colors. The article also examines the linguisticfeatures of the descriptions. The paper also experimentally finds out whether the received descriptions of the studentstaking part in the experiment differ from the theme and genre of the original text (film). Based on the study of the theory,we conclude that emotions are internal predictions, the quality of which depends on the interoception and emotionalgranularity of the subjects. The results of the study suggest that the subjects of the experiment show emotions, feelingsand ideas about the multimodal film text translated by means of another non-verbal semiotic system (illustration) similarto the ones shown by the representatives of the other culture who have professional knowledge in the field of cinema.The former (students) interpret visual information intuitively, the latter (film reviewers) – on the basis of rational knowledgeabout the subject. The students who do not have special knowledge in the field of cinema use limited linguistic means,which, however, clearly communicate the genre, theme and personality of the director. The film reviewers use the full rangeof linguistic means in their texts to achieve a communication goal.
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