The article is devoted to revealing the peculiarities of the German-Ukrainian translation of military ranks and positions of female personnel. The article studies the linguistic tools of the German and Ukrainian languages, which serve to form the names of military ranks and positions of female personnel. Gender correctness in the use of military ranks and positions is primarily facilitated by such language processes as feminization and neutralization. It has been revealed that the process of feminization in the military sphere is carried out in two ways: the affix method and the compound nomination method in German and Ukrainian languages. The suffix -in is a universal suffix in the German language for the formation of the certain names from the corresponding positions or titles in the masculine form. The most productive suffix for the formation of feminitives in the Ukrainian language is the suffix -k. According to the method of compilation of the nomination, military ranks and positions of female personnel with the components Frau and weiblich are formed in the German language, in the Ukrainian language they are military ranks with the components woman and lady. Another language process that contributes to overcoming gender asymmetry in the military sphere is gender neutralization. As compared to the German language, gender-neutral word forms in the Ukrainian language for denoting military ranks and positions of servicewomen are represented in insignificant numbers. It has been established that German-language feminitives of the military sphere in the Ukrainian translation can bereproduced by the corresponding feminitives. However, most of the German names should be translated into Ukrainian bya masculine noun. An indication that the sentence refers to a female person may be a predicate used in the feminine form.In addition, such syntactic indicators can also be a feminine form, the name of a female service person, the noun womanor the pronoun she. It has been proved that in accordance with the rules of the Ukrainian language, German-languagegender-neutral formulations should be translated by masculine nouns.
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8. Das Genderwörterbuch URL: (дата звернення: 25.08.2020).
9. – das größte Wörterbuch für eine gendergerechte Sprache URL: (дата звернення: 25.08.2020).