Keywords: invariant, discourse, semantic-stylistic features of the text, context, contextual-connotative meaning of tokens, word-formation ability, lexical-semantic relation of lexical units


The article has devoted to the questions of the features of semantic construction of lexemes and their influence intolexical and grammatical categories of translation.The article investigates the issues of combining the structural and lexical content of the phraseological units thatare part of the terminological series of economic discourse of business English. The question of the influence of lexicaland semantic features of tokens on grammatical categories of phrases was also studied.It has been revealing stylistic and contextual features of the translation of semantic-indivisible phraseologicalunits (idioms) and has revealed the similarity and difference of constructing paradigmatic relations between Englishand Ukrainian by means the transformation analysis. The differences between the construction of paradigmatic relationsbetween English and Ukrainian have been explored in a practical way using a comparative method. Using the distributiveanalysis, the peculiarities of constructing the semantic, lexical and grammatical structure of the complex words of modernEnglish are studied. By means of component analysis, stylistic features of phraseological unity and contextual meaningof free phrase are revealed.The issue has also raised regarding the denotative and connotative aspects of the translation of complex words,ambiguous terminological words, constant expressions, idioms. It was noted that the main vocabulary questioncontains translation of ambiguous words who depend on a dictionary selected invariant, derived from lexical, semanticand grammatical categories of text. It was revised for the main translation techniques such as calculations, lexical translation and the appropriatenessof their use. It was very important that the work is based on the semantic analysis of text, whose allows to explorethe lexical and semantic links of the phrase and reveal the stylistic body of the text.It was possible to predict the further development of this topic, since the semantic-stylistic features of compound wordsform the semantic unity of the text and constitute the stylistic features of translation.


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