Keywords: theoretical, applied lexicography, information, lexicographic form, mechanisms, innovations


The article deals with new phenomena and trends in the compilation of Ukrainian paper dictionary works, their diversityand peculiarities. Currently, there is a growing interest in theoretical and practical vocabulary in the world. Ukrainian Lexicography has ancient traditions, theoretical background, centuries-old experience of compiling dictionaries, differentin object description units, language, size, lexicographic form, completeness of coverage, presentation format, etc. Therapid development of lexicography in the modern world is explained by many factors: in particular, the swift developmentof science and technology, the deepening and diversification of existing knowledge, the globalization of the modern world,international cooperation of scientists, and so on. It is noted that the main reason for the development of lexicography isthat the dictionary was the most convenient form of generalization and fixation of human knowledge. It is given statisticson the total number of dictionaries, translation, dialect ones, etc., as well as the most ranked cities by the number of editionof dictionaries, which include Kyiv (over 4 000 editions), Kharkiv (over 1 200), Lviv (over 1 000), Ternopil, etc. It is emphasizedthat there is a flourishing of encyclopedic dictionaries, reference books with innovative characteristics. Special emphasisis placed on identifying the features of lexicography mechanisms in the modern Ukrainian dictionary scene. Particularattention is paid to the innovative characteristics of dictionaries. According to our analyses, the end of the XX – beginningof the XXI centuries were a period of prosperity in the development of Ukrainian lexicography; in term of the emergenceof a huge number of printed lexicographic works to present modern information on certain issues, description of languagestructure, terminological system and more. The reason for the emergence of all these dictionaries, directories are newprocesses and trends in society, the challenges facing linguists and users of lexicographic products – all these causes willfurther improve and enhance the mechanisms of registration, description and presentation of materials, the developmentof clearer and more detailed parameterization scene, etc. Possibilities of lexicography, simplicity and completenessof vocabulary description, ease of use have led the trend in modern Linguistics to vocabulary presentation of researchresults not only all other than lexical level of language structure, but to describe phenomena / facts that do not belong tothe language system. It is claimed that Ukrainian lexicography is one of the top ten lexicography in the world today, and thatUkraine is a country of modern and highly developed lexicographic culture and intensive lexicographic process.


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