Keywords: prefixal verbs, semantic transformations, cognitive mechanisms, meanings, metaphor and metonymy, lexical-semantic load, expressive-emotional potential


The article analyzes the phenomenon of semantic transformations and cognitive mechanisms of creating English prefixal verbs’ meanings on the material of English explanatory dictionaries. It is noted that modern English prefixal verbs show a productive semantic potential for the creation of meanings, and therefore are an effective means of nomination, a verbalized way of thinking and reflecting the linguistic picture of the world. The influence of the studied phenomena on the associative perception of recipients has been clarified and the peculiarities of the expressive emotional potential of prefixal meaning-making, their implicit filling revealed. It is claimed that in the process of semantic transformations of the prefix verb new numerous sendes are actualized, new deep semantic layers are opened, which fill the prefix verb with extraordinary meaning. It is revealed that there is a generalized, core meaning of the prefix verb (invariant, common to all), and others are its variants, id. est. numerous variable senses. The article emphasizes that in practical application, as a derivative and cognitive-semantic mechanism, metaphor and metonymy play the role of simplifying, saving and highlighting the generalized invariant meaning of the English prefix verb. Semantic transformations in metaphor and metonymy, which are part of prefixal verbs, are interpreted as a cognitive mechanism that forms new senses on the basis of associative implications. The idea is put forward that before the basis, the prefix does not merge into a single phonetic-morphological complex with formative inflections, but has its own autonomous (invariant) meaning with its inherent meaning-making paradigm. The article reveals new meanings of prefixal verbs and their senses, which arose as a result of semantic transformation or rethinking of existing nominations. It is proved that the essence of the process of metaphorization, metonymization of English prefixal verbs is to change the primary meaning of the word by including in its semantics new differential semes that modify senses. It is concluded that the prefix derivation of a verb preserves and transmits the same semantic load as common vocabulary, because the prefix always includes a word or term in a certain matrix of the scheme, so its semantic load is specific and clear.


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