The article analyzes the role of phraseological constituents in the process of replenishment in the mobile communicationterminology. It is noted that phraseological units carry much more information than a single word and should be studiedand taken into account in various aspects: cognitive, linguistic and cultural, functional, etc. It is argued that cognitivephraseological units as constituents of the language system are used by native speakers to describe semantic processesand states. It is proved that the deep semantic nature of phraseology has been emerged under the influence of sociodomestic,political and other social phenomena. Some constituents in the professional language through time acquireadditional, situational meaning, i.e. new semantic content of constant expressions giving it a special text format. It is suggestedthat the semantic structure of the phraseological component in professional speech is formed by a set of its semanticelements, which are closely correlated with each other. It is stressed that the components of phraseological semantics,in turn, are divided into semantic components, semantic features that act not only as constituents of the main semanticcomponents of phraseology, but also as a close link between them. Thus, such characteristic features of phraseologicalconstituents as internal form, motivation, imagery, idiomaticity and stability, enable the phraseological units to createsemantic transformation. It is argued that the professional language of mobile communication is filled with phraseologicalconstituents, in which the value of the whole combination is not accurate, and sometimes not deduced from the sum of its components, or dominates the value of its components. It is concluded that phraseology is one of the inexhaustiblesources of richness and expressiveness of speech, which nourishes the professional subtext of mobile communication,gives it an artistic sounding, filled with components of lexical and syntactic sophistication and completeness. We may sumup that the phraseological constituent is a productive semantic and stylistic means, so metaphor and metonymy are usedin various spheres of language, the terminology of mobile communication in particular.
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