Language is commonly believed to be one of the dominant components in the philosophical ideology. The given article is aimed at revealing the linguistic and philosophical foundations of “contextuality” and “context” under the study of occasional speech units on the material of the English language from the standpoint of interdisciplinary holism. Interdisciplinarity is caused by the lack of a unified methodology for the study of contextual synonyms as global phenomena in newspaper and artistic discourses in the contemporary English. Lexical units on the basis of modern newspaper and artistic discourses are studied. “Contextuality” with a reference to modern explorations of linguistic philosophy is explicated. The study of contextual synonyms characterizes the role of linguistic and philosophical knowledge and outlines the prospects for further research in terms of linguosynergetics. The methodological basis contains a combination of general (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction) and linguistic (componential, logical) methods. The epistemological interpretation of “contextualism” explains the fact that the context is based on pure experience and a priori structures. From the standpoint of anthropology, “contextuality” is composed of three components, which include a cognitive, behavioral and emotional components. There has been made an attempt to study contextual synonyms within the framework of Austin’s language pragmatism. It has been determined that the main prerequisites for contextuality are ready-made scripts and templates of a certain language community. The proposed article confines that the contextual synonyms are formed by the author’s intentions in the artistic style, while the situational synonyms on the material of the English periodicals are formed on the basis of collective beliefs or background knowledge. The main hypotheses of the British and American schools to understanding the concept of “context” are highlighted. Both schools singled the “cultural component” out. It has been substantiated that contextual synonyms activate the pragmatic effect in terms of a language game. The analyzed theoretical sources indicate that the rejection of structural logocentrism in favor of dynamism and linguistic ambiguity becomes a prerequisite for the study of speech phenomena in the realm of linguosynergetics.
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