This paper presents the topical issue of the role of aggressive domestic and foreign policy of the German rulers of the XIIIcentury. According to the plot of the epic poem «Kudrun», at the heart of the aggressive domestic and foreign policyof the German rulers is a global conflict involving man and the world, people and their religious worldview, the hierarchyof relations of the individual, wildlife and descendants of the «elite», king, queen and the authority of the church, upbringingand education, the beauty of a young woman and the hostility of a man, the jealousy of a brave old king-father and the crueltyof an elderly woman-queen-mother, and so on. Oppositions are also found in the categories of «one’s own» and «foreign», good and evil, old and new, earthly and unearthly, material and ideal, perfect and imperfect, living and inanimate, freefrom slavery and enslaved, bodily, mental and spiritual, mind and emotions. There is a bifurcation of the whole objectiveworld into its physical existence and meaning. At the same time, the ideal behavior of knights is transformed – the supportof German kings. There are relationships – «knight – thief, robber», «knight – barbarian», «knight – animal». Aggressivehuman behavior as a social being has a moral character. In the question of immorality, the medial man is influenced byancient psychology, paganism and Christianity. The aim of the article is to identify German language units with the meaningof aggression in the Middle Ages. The study used deductive, structural-semantic, logical-semantic, contextual analysis,the method of linguistic description and analysis of dictionary definitions. The results of the study include clarificationof the concept of «aggression», tracing its semantic content in time, highlighting the system of language units such asword, proper name, phrase (free and permanent), sentence (simple, complex, complex, combined, supra-phrase unity)and elucidation of the peculiarities of the formation of the phenomenon. It has been proven that aggression can be naturalor artificial. Natural aggression is characteristic of the element of water, wild animals and man as a biological being,artificial – man as a social being and supernatural beings who embody evil. Aggression correlates with gender, ageand culture: a man is aggressive at any age and in any culture, a woman – only in old age, being in the status of a motherwho wishes her child a happy fate and being a foreigner. We conclude that the concept of aggression in medieval Germanyis associated primarily with extralinguistic factors (religion, domestic and foreign policy, social, economic and culturalhistoricaldevelopment), refracted verbally by the author of the epic poem «Kudrun».
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