The article highlights the problem of the modal expression of dialogic speech in literary translation. The specialcharacteristics of the dialogue are determined, one of which is modality as a functional-semantic category that expressesdifferent types of the speaker’s attitude to what is being said. The category of modality provides dialogicity as a propertyof the text, emphasizing its communicative nature as one of the units of linguistic communication, the content of which isrelated to the attitude to valuable life things, thus requiring appropriate understanding and interpretation. Objective modalityreflects the nature of the objective connections to which the cognitive act is directed, namely the connections that are possible, valid and necessary. Subjective modality is an assessment by a person that indicates the degree of credibilityof the opinion that reflects the situation. The semantic basis of subjective modality is formed by the concept of evaluation,which includes not only the logical qualification of the message, but also different types of emotional attitudes. Subjectivemodality has language resources that tend to infinity. This essential feature can take the form of assertions, remarks,clarifications, assumptions, desires, etc. and be expressed by grammatical, lexical and prosodic means. However,the problem of modality of dialogic speech deserves more close attention, as there is a certain feature of expressionof certain modal expressions in the studied functional type. One of the most important psychological features of dialogicspeech lies in its situationality, which is manifested in the fact that its content can be understood only in the situationto which it refers, and therefore requires the translator to adequately interpret the situation. The study of the specificsof symmetrical or asymmetrical expression of modal meanings in original and translated works of art is the first taskof the proposed investigation. The article highlights the thesis that in case of misinterpretation of the statement, namelythe transmission of the wrong modality of the message, which was laid down by the author in the communicative act,information failures and therefore the asymmetry of perception of the message will occur.
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