Keywords: The article offers experimental material on methods of teaching global reading to foreign students, which was used by teachers-speakers of Vinnytsia National Technical University. Global reading involves presenting the student with a whole word and I is designed for visual perception and the ability to memorize visual information. In this way, the foreign student does not read the word in letters, but perceives it as a picture. The student reads in Ukrainian at once in words. However, unlike an image that depicts a particular object, it contains a generalized representation of the object, that is, it has a certain meaning. It was found that this method is especially helpful for students who use the hieroglyphic writing system in their native language. During the traditional analytical-synthetic reading, the student must first learn sounds, letters, then sequential compound reading and finally – merged reading of words. Learning to read analytically is often associated with difficulties, as it involves visual perception, concentration, and analytical-synthetic mental activity. As a result students spend more time and effort. First, students read familiar tokens that start with different letters, from short to long. Then move from words to phrases, and then from phrases to reading texts. The page can contain 2–3 sentences in large font. Up to 20 such sentences should be read per day. Since foreign students enter universities after studying the Ukrainian language, it is desirable that these sentences (texts) should be of a scientific style. Global reading should not be limited just to demonstrating and naming picture words. Tasks can be varied and carried out in the form of a game. The article gives examples of games and tasks that were used in our work with foreign students in order to consolidate knowledge. The advantages of using the method of global reading in the process of learning Ukrainian as a foreign language are established. This method helps students understand language as a holistic system and observe the paradigmatic relationship between its units, more quickly master reading, enrich vocabulary, take an active part in the learning process. Students’ own results significantly motivate them to learn the language, as they notice it from the first days of study, and the opportunity to use knowledge in learning and life.


The article offers experimental material on methods of teaching global reading to foreign students, which was used by teachers-speakers of Vinnytsia National Technical University. Global reading involves presenting the student with a whole word and I is designed for visual perception and the ability to memorize visual information. In this way, the foreign student does not read the word in letters, but perceives it as a picture. The student reads in Ukrainian at once in words. However, unlike an image that depicts a particular object, it contains a generalized representation of the object, that is, it has a certain meaning. It was found that this method is especially helpful for students who use the hieroglyphic writing system in their native language. During the traditional analytical-synthetic reading, the student must first learn sounds, letters, then sequential compound reading and finally – merged reading of words. Learning to read analytically is often associated with difficulties, as it involves visual perception, concentration, and analytical-synthetic mental activity. As a result students spend more time and effort. First, students read familiar tokens that start with different letters, from short to long. Then move from words to phrases, and then from phrases to reading texts. The page can contain 2–3 sentences in large font. Up to 20 such sentences should be read per day. Since foreign students enter universities after studying the Ukrainian language, it is desirable that these sentences (texts) should be of a scientific style. Global reading should not be limited just to demonstrating and naming picture words. Tasks can be varied and carried out in the form of a game. The article gives examples of games and tasks that were used in our work with foreign students in order to consolidate knowledge. The advantages of using the method of global reading in the process of learning Ukrainian as a foreign language are established. This method helps students understand language as a holistic system and observe the paradigmatic relationship between its units, more quickly master reading, enrich vocabulary, take an active part in the learning process. Students’ own results significantly motivate them to learn the language, as they notice it from the first days of study, and the opportunity to use knowledge in learning and life.


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