The article is devoted to the problem of extralingual information of the Ukrainian, English and French proverbs witha component “mind”. The result of the analysis is that the semantics of proverbs in three languages are determinedand adjusting judgements which have the connection with the attitude of Ukrainians, Englishmen and Frenchmen towardintelligence are formed. The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that a proverb is a unique reflection of people’s beliefs,persuasions, system of values, culture, everyday activity and way of thinking. Modern linguists in their works pay attentionto such features of proverbs, as: structuring, rhythm, semantics which is represented in both, direct and indirect meaningsof the proverbs. For the research there are taken 106 Ukrainian proverbs with a lexeme «розум», 12 English proverbs witha lexeme “mind” and 12 French proverbs with a lexeme “esprit”. Analysis of the semantic meanings of proverbs and theircomparison in three languages contribute to the selection of judgements that are common for: all three nations; Ukrainiansand Englishmen; Ukrainians and Frenchmen; Englishmen and Frenchmen. It should be noticed, that judgements whichare appropriate for each separate language are formed. The content of judgements shows that Ukrainians, Englishmen and Frenchmen, have similarities in some judgements, among which is the conviction that a clever man considers feelings.Among other peculiarities of Ukrainians such persuasion as the “mind” is God’s gift is distinguished. Comparing mindand wealth Ukrainians express hesitation concerning the necessity to clarify the interdependence of mind and incomes.The consequence of such hesitation is the existence of proverbs which have the contradictory meanings. From the oneside, the incomes support the acquisition of knowledge, from the other side, the incomes prevent the person to becomecleverer. As for the Englishmen, they are more confident in the idea that gaining incomes depends directly on person’smind and knowledge. In the Ukrainian proverbs the other contradictory judgements take place. They have the connectionwith the interdependence of happiness and mind as well as mind and old age. Moreover, the majority of judgements aboutthe mind in three languages is positive. This fact confirms the importance of developing of mind for representatives of threenations.
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