The article researches a carnivalized animated ecodiscourse, which is a brilliant representation of modern mediaart. For its creation and demonstration are used verbal and and non-verbal emotional means are used. The verbal onesinclude oral: speech of characters, voice-over and written: all inscriptions of the animation space. While non-verbal consistof audial: prosody, sounds, music, and visual: facial expressions, gestures, movements, frame structure. The work aimsto investigate environmental friendliness of interaction of emotive means of language, i.e. emotional vocabulary, grammar,stylistic, and syntactic emotive means of language with non-verbal means of expressing emotivity. The latter is not randomor accidental in the discourse, at well as the verbal ones, it forms an emotional meaning strictly following the author’s plan.In particular, prosody, facial expressions, gestures, and body language of characters, as well as the way of constructingthe frame and objects in it, all are designed to convey emotionality inherent to the author, which can enhance, complement,regulate, deny or replace an emotive meaning formed by language means.The english-language carnival animated ecodiscourse “The Secret Life of Pets” is beneficial for nature, people,and especially for animals because it highlights the problems associated with the ecology of people’s relationships withtheir pets. Based on the material of this discourse, carnival (i.e. humorous, sarcastic, ironic, satirical, grotesque) interaction of modes is proved to encourage the use of the same forms of speech both for animals and people. Audial and visualmodes may give to the verbal mode a comic colouring by forming an emotional meaning that contradicts or replacesthe meaning formed in the latter thus ridiculing stereotypes about animals, careless and cruel treatment.Thus, the article proves that the carnival animated ecodiscourse “The Secret Life of Pets” is ecological and beneficialas it uses emotional forms of language that encourage respectful and friendly attitude towards pets, give the viewer a keyto their understanding and also makes fun of means of language that form stereotypes and promote careless treatmentof animals.
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