The article is devoted to the research of antonymic relations of terms in the field of robotics in German language on the material of 1670 language units, selected by a continuous selection from 16 scientific and technical professional sources of the field of robotics. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the research itself, as the professional language of this field has been explored at first. The concept of antonymy, its classification and ways of creation were identified. A comparative analysis of the antonymic series at the semantic level was performed. Antonymy is a special characteristic of the lexical meaning of words, a specific linguistic reflection of differences and contradictions in objects and phenomena of the objective world. Classification of antonyms in a common vocabulary is based on the following criteria: 1) the degree of dependence on the context; 2) the number of units involved in antonymy; 3) by structure; 4) by the way of creation. Antonymy has a significant place in the German-speaking terminology of robotics. The study identified 16 antonym pairs that use the following types of antonymic relationships to indicate their extreme positions in the terminology under study: complementary antonyms (62,5% antonyms), conversion-antonyms (25% antonyms), and vector antonyms (12,5% antonyms). In all the examples considered, that the opposition is accomplished by varying one of the components of a complex term or terminological combination, and the other components do not change their word-forming structure. The main ways to create German antonyms of robotics include: 1) opposing with the help of paired polar prefixes. In German terminology, the term can be contrasted by using the polar prefixes set in German, namely: ab- / ein, ein- / aus-, ab- / an-, ab- / auf-; 2) opposition by adding a prefix to one of the terms of the opposition as mis-, dis-, de-; 3) opposition by a negative suffix. In contrast to the technical concepts in German, the negative suffix los- can be used; 4) opposition by means of negative particles nicht-, un-; 5) opposition of a pair of constituents within complex terms and terminological combinations. The opposing components within a complex word can be adjectives, nouns (with or without prepositions), adverbs and numerators. Prospects for further studies of the semantic organization of scientific and technical terminology in the field of robotics in German have been determined.
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