The article highlights verbal and non-verbal means in the communicative system of the interface, because their large number leads to serious problems of describing the dynamic processes of vocabulary, the justification of new terminology, as well as the provision of interrelated and coherent lexical means of each language. In this regard, research aimed at identifying the specifics of English-language smart-technology interfaces is of particular importance. Thus, the development of manmachine communication sets scientists the task of theoretical analysis and awareness of the communicative, sign nature of this communication. It was found out that interface is an information system of human interaction with the computer, which is implemented in the form of dialog structures (menu as a data block, as a data string, as icons, dialog boxes). Since terminology is a verbalized result of the specialist’s activity, based on the awareness and assimilation of professional experience, it is studied that the terminosystem of interfaces is a kind of “reflection” of how the specialist conceptualizes and categorizes the surrounding reality, what its elements are relevant for him. In human-machine communication, the system of natural language from creative, linguistic, thinking is transferred to the algorithmic basis of computer programs, while acquiring the static form of artificial language. Functional keys of manmachine dialogue with the help of secondary nomination process reflect objects of real world which surround the user. Within the framework of English-language interfaces of intelligent systems, linguistic systems of language are represented in the form of information frame structures. Non-verbal signs that are used in human-machine communication include: signs with a pictographic signal; signs with an alphanumeric signal. The study of verbal and nonverbal means in the communicative system of the interface, the active combination of signs with pictorial and verbal signals, as well as the actualization of verbal means at the level of the broadcast system and the use of verbal units as independent means represent current trends in the development of man-machine communication.
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