It is noted in the article that emotional and emotional discourses are different types of speech activity that have a clear non-linguistic conditioning. Emotional discourse is spontaneous, unprepared speech that is grounded on the unconscious basic (primary physiological and mental), poorly controlled emotions that prevail in the speaker at the moment of communication. Emotional discourse is created by the purposeful efforts of the speaker in order to evoke the necessary emotions in the listener/listeners, is prepared in advance and is based on conscious secondary (socially determined), completely controlled emotions. In the English-language emotional discourse, the main linguistic indicators of the tension of the speech situation are the vocabulary of a reduced style and a limited repertoire of stylistic devices. English-language emotive discourse is characterized by a careful selection of high-style vocabulary and various stylistic means aimed at creating a positive emotional tonality of communication and achieving the desired perlocutionary effect. A comparative analysis of expressive syntactic means used in English-language emotional and emotive discourses indicates the presence of opposite tendencies in their syntactic plane. In emotional discourse, there is a regular use of all types of communicative sentences and, at the same time, their syntactic simplification. Emotive discourse is formed mainly by narrative sentences, on the basis of which a syntactic complication is formed – the spread and unfolding of the discourse. Interrogative, imperative and exclamatory sentences in emotional discourse act as additional expressive and marked means of emotional influence to the addressee of the message. Excellent extra-lingual conditioning of English-speaking emotional and emotional discourses affects their structural and compositional differences. Emotional discourse is incoherent, logically inconsistent, split, rhema-thematic. Emotive discourse is compositionally coherent, logically consistent with the thematic presentation. Three phases of its development are distinguished in emotional discourse: introductory, main and final. Each of these phases is characterized by specific tactics that are the implementation of the communicative strategy of solidarity.
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