Keywords: fantasy, movie/film narrative, the characters, fiction space and time (chronotop).


The article is devoted to the investigation creation of character appearance in the film narrative of the fantasy genre. The case study of the article is the movie of a popular English writer J. K. Rowling "Fantastic Beats and where to find them". The main attention in the article is focused on such concepts as a fantasy, chronotope, movie/ film narrative, character. There are several categories of characters in the article – wizards, muggles and fantastic beasts. The main typology and function of a movie there are elements of narrative construction of the text is the character images, chronotope – a special time and portal. The artistic detail is highlighted and lexical units of character images are revealed. The events in the fantasy text unfold in the real world around the global confrontation of good and evil. The main character Newt Scamander is at a turning point in choosing which side to go. In the film narrative "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them", the events unfold in several spaces – New York, the real world around the global confrontation of good and evil, which is a dynamic time of unfolding history. But in fantasy space, in the magical suitcase of Newt Scamander, which is a stop-time, because the presence of the characters in the fantasy loop of time does not affect the slowing down or acceleration of events that take place in a real topos. The article analyzes the film narrative and cinematographic techniques that are implemented to create characters in the movie. The main techniques include the effect of close shot, general, far distance shot, foreground and big close-up. The use of a certain color composition, far and medium distance shot techniques, from the bird’s eye view, camera angular. Considered how to transfer / transform verbal descriptions of appearance and behavior artistic narrative in the film narrative.


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