The article describes the pedagogical conditions of the use of a game at the English lessons. A game is an educational method that is widely used in Pedagogy. A language game has potential in the process of learning a foreign language. Its significance is wide – the acceleration of mental activity, arousal of interest in learning, and motivation. Language games help to form pronunciation, lexical and grammatical skills that train the use of language phenomena at different stages of learning a foreign language. The game is an effective learning tool, covering various types of speech activity (listening, speaking, reading, writing), it helps to master a foreign language, and in addition, pupils experience emotional satisfaction both during the game and when achieving results. The article provides different kinds of games with their examples which are appropriate to be used during the lessons to achieve a high level of knowledge of lexical material. The game method prepares pupils for communication; contributes to the destruction of psychological stress; allows them to repeat the language material several times; prepares for spontaneous communication; trains pupils’ communication skills. Games promote the development of the child, train memory and attention, stimulate creativity, help him/her learn to experiment. Games have some positive effect on the formation of pupils’cognitive interests, promote conscious learning of a foreign language. They help develop such qualities as independence and initiative. The success of using the game depends primarily on the atmosphere of the necessary language communication that the teacher creates in the classroom. It’s important for pupils to get used to such communication. Conducting lessons with the use of game material activates pupils, contributes to the high effectiveness of the lessons and instills big love for a foreign language into them. Songs are also important in learning English. Сhildren hear the whole sentences and subconsciously learn grammar and syntax. It’s an easy way for them to learn and memorize words and phrases. Music also directly affects the condition of pupils, promotes the development of spiritual, emotional sphere and forms their mood. Some recommendations for the use of games at the English lessons are given. To use games at the English lessons, it’s necessary to define their didactic purpose clearly.
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