The paper aims to review the latest studies on the concept of WAR in modern domestic and foreign linguistics. The materials for our research were scientific works by domestic and foreign linguists from the past ten years. The article focuses on the following main tasks: 1) defining the term "linguo-cultural concept", 2) selecting significant studies devoted to war and its reflection in language, 3) analyzing the latest scientific works by Ukrainian and foreign researchers in various fields of linguistics over the past ten years, and 4) identifying perspective directions for future scientific research. The article highlights the linguistic and cultural definition of the concept and reveals the peculiarities of its structure. It has been determined that the linguistic and cultural concept of WAR should be analyzed in modern linguistics using a complex methodology that combines the analysis of dictionary definitions, etymological analysis of the keyword representing the concept, construction of the lexical-phraseological field of the keyword, analysis of synonymous units, contextual analysis, metaphorical analysis, associative experiments, etc. The main research areas of the concept of WAR in modern domestic linguistics are highlighted, and the scientific developments within these areas are emphasized. It has been established that scientific research on the concept of WAR is conducted in the fields of cognitive linguistics, discursive linguistics, ecolinguistics, and media linguistics. The article analyzes the works of foreign scientists. It has been determined that foreign linguists are primarily engaged in general theoretical studies of the concept of WAR within the linguistic and philosophical domain, as well as contrastive analysis of various discourses based on materials from different languages. It has been revealed that full-scale wars have prompted scientific projects on the study of military discourse in foreign universities, with the goal of compiling glossaries. The perspectives of scientific research include the study of the concept of WAR in the field of ecolinguistics and media linguistics.
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