Keywords: newspaper headline, online publication, lexical organization, syntactic features, stylistic devices and techniques, borrowing, types of sentences, addressee-addressee, expressive communicative language units.


The article is devoted to the linguistic analysis of a modern German-language newspaper headline. The purpose of the work is a comprehensive study of the specifics of the German-language headline of the 21st century in modern online publications in Germany. The methodology of this work is based on the application of general scientific and empirical research methods, including: critical analysis (study of the title problem in modern linguistic studies); theoretical (generalization of theoretical information about the title and the title complex as one of the permanent elements of the architecture of a printed periodical of the mass media); the method of induction (for generalization of concretization of general conclusions); the descriptive method and the method of contextual analysis to isolate and analyze empirical research material. It has been established that the German-language headlines of the 21st century cover the most pressing problems of today, such as: pandemic, vaccination of citizens, political activities of individual leaders of Germany and other countries, climate change and disasters related to these changes; problems of international politics, resolution of military conflicts, preservation of peace in Europe and the world as a whole. Empirical material of the research made it possible to single out a number of stylistic techniques and figures that are saturated with today's headlines: antithesis, list, play on words, metaphor, modification of phraseological units. It is proved that the lexical organization of the title involves special words, terms, professionalism from various branches of social life, abbreviations of various types, and the leading role of borrowings, English in particular, is noted. The research emphasizes the close connection of the title with the subtitle, which has a significant impact on the recipient and prompts him to read the presented material.


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