Keywords: metaphorical context, cultural connotation, traditional accordance, structural transformation, full translation, accuracy and adequacy of translation.


The article is devoted to the analysis of the peculiarities of metaphor translation in fiction, in particular in a fantasy novel. Characteristic features of metaphor are considered, namely universality, conceptuality, systematicity. The classification of metaphor types according to the time and space indicator is analyzed, namely ontological metaphor, orientational metaphor, and structural metaphor. The main methods of metaphor translation are given – full translation, addition / omission, replacement, structural transformation, traditional accordance, parallel naming of metaphoricality. Hypothesesconditions for the translation of metaphors are listed on the example of English and Ukrainian languages: 1) metaphors in the attributive function are more characteristic for English than for Ukrainian; 2) phrasal metaphors are more numerous in Ukrainian than in English; 3) conceptual metaphors can be represented in English and Ukrainian by structurally different equivalents and 4) syntactic-functional and lexical-structural differences of metaphorical equivalents in different languages can prompt the translator to resort to semantic modulation or, in particular, descriptive translation. In the next part of the article, examples of metaphors from Stephen King's novel are presented, and metaphors are highlighted, then divided according to the principle of otological, orientational and structural. For each type, translation methods are analyzed and a comment is provided. Thus, ontological metaphors were translated using substitution, omission, addition, full translation, traditional accordance, and structural transformation. To reproduce structural metaphors, the translator chose to use substitution, omission, addition, full translation, the method of traditional accordance, structural transformation, replacement of a lexical component. Orientation metaphors were reproduction by replacing a lexical component, addition and omission, full translation, structural transformation, traditional accordance.


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