The article deals with the concept of „military term“ and reveals the functional features of military terms. The author emphasizes the peculiarities of the functioning of military terms in the German-language military discourse. A significant amount of military realities of the armies of foreign countries causes difficulties for their understanding and translation. At the same time, the constant change in the vocabulary of military personnel in connection with technical progress and reformation of the troops also creates a number of certain difficulties. In addition, the author analyzes the general features of the translation of military terminology. This terminology is considered as a separate lexical category. Despite of certain requirements of ambiguity, systematicity, accuracy and independence from the context, it is sufficiently dynamic and actively developing, In connection with this, there was a need for a detailed study of the peculiarities of the translation of military terms. In particular, special attention is paid to the classification of military terminology regarding the type of troops and types of armed forces, according to the types of military equipment, etc. Organizational, staff, military-political, command formation and military-topographical terminology is also highlighted. Therefore, there is a need for a comprehensive study of the military discourse with further identification of its characteristic features and the specifics of translation in modern conditions. The study of the German military-political vocabulary is currently relevant and important, because in this way it is possible to identify the relevant specific characteristics of the military-political reality in the country and the specificity of its reflection in language and speech. The research used a set of methods, namely: analyses of linguistic and educational and methodological literature, necessary for understanding the conceptual apparatus of research; the method of analysis of dictionary definitions; the method of lexicographic analysis; a comparative method, which makes it possible to compare the reality of the source language and its translation version; descriptive method, which consists in explaining the use of certain words and phrases by military personnel of foreign countries.
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