Keywords: foreign language communicative competence, to improve, foreign language, forms of learning.


The ways on how to improve students’ foreign language communicative competence have been analyzed. Some attention to modern realities has been drawn. The problem of training in wartime has been raised. The concept of "foreign language communicative competence", "methods of formation of foreign language communicative competence", "means of formation of foreign language communicative competence", "game forms of learning" as well as scientists’ opinions on their interpretation have been revealed. It has been distinguished that foreign language communicative competence includes language, speech and sociocultural one. It has been stated that traditional and innovative teaching methods should be used in the process of studying foreign languages. Appropriate conditions should be created in order to form some foreign language communicative competence successfully. In wartime, students should feel safe. Classroom activities and exercises should not only develop foreign language competence, but also distract students from reality, calm them down and motivate them to study. Some ways that can help students improve their foreign language communicative competence have been outlined. The educational game as a relevant means of improving foreign language communicative competence in wartime has been singled out. Some attention has been paid to psychological (comfortable atmosphere, students' personal qualities), didactic (the use of interactive and innovative technologies and a game method) and organizational conditions that can improve students’ foreign language communicative competence. The role of interactive technologies in the process of forming this competence (enhancing students’ interest and motivation, uniting the team, improving communication skills, and ultimately creating a positive atmosphere) has been considered. Some attention to audio-visual aids has been paid, as they play an important role during education and have a positive effect on the organization of the educational process.


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