Keywords: occasionalism, Ukrainian language environment, blog, blogosphere, Internet.


The article identifies the specific features of the modern Ukrainian-language blogosphere and analyses the reasons for the active use of occasionalisms. It is defined that the mass use of blogs causes transformations in the communication field, which lead to changes in language as the most important means of interpersonal communication, since each communication situation requires specific linguistic behaviour and the use of means specific to this situation. A distinctive feature of communication in the sphere of blogs is the tendency towards colloquialism. It is characterised by spontaneity, informality, dialogic nature, situational focus, tendency to brevity and expressiveness, etc. The consequence of this is the use of linguistic elements of informal interaction in the communication processes of blogs. It is noted that in the Ukrainian-language blogosphere the processes of neologisation are absolutely natural. On the one hand, this fact is determined by such linguistic universality such as the dynamics of lexical and semantic composition. Additionally, in recent decades, all European languages have been experiencing a neological renaissance. Due to the cumulative function, the ability to reflect record and store information about the reality cognisable by humans, a significant number of new lexical items appear in languages. The usage of occasionalisms is popular among bloggers, and understandably so, as they allow you to express a new idea or concept that does not yet have a name, or to convey a shade of emotion that cannot be expressed in other words. Due to their novelty and individuality, occasionalisms attract attention and add a special appeal to blogger content. It is marked that each blogger chooses his or her own linguistic means, among which the occasionalisms actively used by bloggers deserve special attention. Occasionalisms are easy to distinguish from the general mass of words − they attract attention with their originality, mystery, sound and semantic novelty. However, it is important to use them with understanding and when needed, as too frequent use of occasionalisms can change the perception of content by other users and lead to a decrease in its quality. Therefore, when using occasionalisms, it is important to take into account their context and meaning, as well as to maintain a balance between originality and clarity for the audience.


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