Keywords: occasionalism, social networks, communication, expressiveness, non-usual neolexeme.


The article emphasises the importance of communication in modern society and the need to understand the essence and mechanisms of communication using natural living language. It is the communicative approach that is a topical area of research in both usage and occasional word formation in modern linguistics. The media environment is nowadays one of the main sources of socially determined neologisms. Although the use of such words may violate linguistic norms, they play an important role in enriching the lexical stock of the language and contribute to its modernisation and active development. The article also discusses the characteristics and features of the communicative paradigm in linguistics, such as context, communicative function, interaction, authenticity and contextualisation. Research on occasional word formation in the communicative paradigm focuses on the study of mechanisms and conditions of new word creation in the process of communication. It is important to analyse the factors that motivate the emergence of such words, as well as their use in specific speech situations and their functional role in language communication, as this will help to establish a link between communicative needs and the process of creating new words. It is noted that the process of creating new words depends on a specific communicative situation. Social networks have become a platform for communication and information transfer, and the Internet has globalised the impact on various spheres of human life. The media also uses the new opportunities of the global information space, which allows them to influence human consciousness. This broad communication is carried out primarily through language, which is used in social communities. Due to their unusualness, brightness and high expressiveness, the authors express their communicative intentions, in particular, a negative or positive assessment of socio-political processes. It is emphasised that the process of replenishing the language with new words, including non-usual formations, is natural and cannot be stopped. The article makes an attempt to analyse the use of occasionalisms from the communicative aspect, which makes it possible to track the spread of such lexemes in society and determine the degree of their popularity. By applying the communicative paradigm, we can objectively assess the factors influencing the formation and functioning of occasionalisms and their nominal load. Author's neologisms add brightness, originality and even uniqueness to the speech, help to realise the author's communicative idea and show linguistic creativity.


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