Keywords: poetics of war narrative, cognitive and pragmatic factors, lingua-stylistic means, narrative devices


This article focuses on revealing linguistic and cognitive means as well as narrative devices and pragmatic factors which ensure the creation of poetics of war narrative in Lina Kostenko’s lyrical texts. It aims at showing up emotional resonance between the author and the reader. Theoretical and methodological basis was grounded in the cognitive theory of verbal poetic image and the cognitive theory of conceptual metaphor, which allowed the manifestation of verbal and conceptual features of imagery means in Lina Kostenko’s poetic texts and the designation of specific character of her poetics. Analytical overview of the evolution of the theory of poetics is held to find out the sources of the study of narrative as a specific drawing of the poetics of a literary text in different historical and cultural epochs, as well as the ways of revealing peculiar trends in the development of poetics as a science and practice. The comprehension and rethinking of the current practices of narratology allowed the establishment of dominant signs of the narrative and their manifestation in the poetic works of Lina Vasylyvna. The introduction of the repertoire of semiotic resources implemented in the creation of narrative poetics made it possible to establish the multimodal nature of the narrative construction of a literary text as a story about an event. The study of the problems of lingua-pragmatics, communicative linguistics and emotiology made it possible to identify the linguastylistic means and narrative devices which ensure the readers’ comprehension of a verse and influence the creation of an emotional resonance between the author and the reader. A critical analysis of the scientific theories and practices of the Ukrainian literary baroque, evaluation of the baroque and the benefits of incorporating it into the spectrum were held to reinforce the special role of the poetics of the Ukrainian baroque on the formation of the national specificity of Lina Kostenko’s poetic language. The prose works of Lina Vasylivna as well as modern verses of Canadian poets of Ukrainian origin dedicated to the war in Ukraine, can serve as a prospect for further achievements.


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