Keywords: poetic language, melody, rhythm, rhymes, sound writing, accent, sound imitation, alliteration, assonance, melody, timbre, phonetic word


The article deals with the translation of linguistic and cultural features of Johann Wolfgang Goethe's works. This studycovers intercultural relations between the Ukrainian and German peoples. Thanks to the analysis, interlingual projectshave been expanded, art programs have been implemented, which prove the need to master Goethe's works.It is proved that the peculiarities of translation of Goethe's creative heritage are vividly reflected in poetic phonetics. It isproved that the phonetic means in the poet's works are translated both by descriptive constructions and by adequate translation.The object of the article is phonetic phenomena in Goethe's poetry, the subject is the analysis of phonetic phenomenain Goethe's poetry.The purpose of the article is to establish the peculiarities of literary translation of Goethe's works through phoneticphenomena and processes of sound imitation.While working on the article, we found out that in Germanic and Slavic languages the main intonation means are: stressin the sentence, pauses, melody, timbre, pitch and strength of tone, and rate of pronunciation. Of course, the realizationof these means depends on the individual characteristics of the speaker and on the specific speech situation.In addition to these phonetic features and translation difficulties, there are other issues, such as the analysisand translation of sound-imitating words, alliteration and assonance, phonosemantic means, the language of characters,colloquialisms, etc,As for the phonological phenomena in the translation of the concepts "Beauty" and "Earth", we have proved thatthe translators successfully selected vowels and consonants that convey the sad, deeply disturbed state of the lyrical heroand also express the harmonious gentleness of Goethe's poetry. The article elucidates the peculiarities of literary translation with lexical features and focuses on the processes of soundimitation that are coordinated with the adaptation of the translation itself.


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