Keywords: military vocabulary, language development, political science approach, lexical fund, calque, abbreviation, term, borrowing


This article analyses modern English military discourse and describes its key lexical features. Based on the resultsof the review of scientific literature, military discourse is defined as an oral or written communication process used for formal or informal communication within a military context. Such discourse usually discusses military operations, military ranks,weapons, warfare tactics, organisation of military units, etc. The article analyses the concept and features of the Englishlanguagemilitary discourse, quoting John Shay and Thomas Collier that language can shape war. The article is devotedto the main characteristics of neologisms formation in English military discourse. The importance of military vocabulary asan integral part of the cultural and social context is considered, noting its influence on the development of the languagethrough military conflicts in history. It also provides the historical context of wars and draws attention to the political scienceapproach to understanding war as a socio-political phenomenon. The study takes into account the impact of military conflictson language development and the formation of new linguistic units, especially due to changes in technology, strategiesand military equipment. The article examines in detail the concept of neologisms, their importance in the developmentof language and the ways of their formation, including terminological neologisms, acronyms, abbreviations, calquesand borrowings. Particular emphasis is placed on neologisms related to specialised terminology in English militarydiscourse, as they reflect new concepts and technologies specific to the military sphere. The article also highlights howlinguistic creativity in military discourse influences the development of language and the specificity of expressivenessin this field. Texts on military topics are distinguished by special lexical features, including military terms, abbreviations,and newly created words, which affect the emotions of readers or listeners. This paper investigates how the military contextcreates new linguistic units reflecting modern military technologies and strategies and highlights the importance of thisprocess in the English military discourse.


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