Globalization and internationalization of social relations, specifics of speech culture and expression of fundamentaland secondary emotions prompt a comprehensive study of modern German-language communication. One of the varietiesof this communication is journalistic speech. A certain ethnic group encounters this speech every day and around the clock.The activator of journalistic speech is the struggle for the mind and feelings of a person in all spheres of his economicactivity. Being a type of written author's text, journalistic speech is aimed at a wide audience. Its sender is not only a creativeperson acting on his own behalf, but also a free interpreter who realizes his evaluative attitude to the surrounding worldin general and realities in particular, spreads his background knowledge and at the same time represents the demandsof society. He explains socio-political events, scientific and technical achievements and achievements, new concepts,ideas or a new system of values that are important both for the international community and for the citizens of the country,different strata of the population, competently, succinctly, logically, persuasively, persuasively, truthfully or untruthfullytaking into account certain class interests, expressing with idiomaticity, imagery, expressiveness, emotional coloring. At the same time, the sender tries to mobilize all the possibilities, all the resources of the literary language and literary formto influence the linguistic consciousness of the addressee. Journalistic speech within the framework of the “sender –addressee” formula is mediated by lexical, syntactic, and stylistic means, the choice of which is determined not so much bythe journalistic genre as by its functions: communication, message, influence. In the field of journalistic genres, the followingtypes of texts are distinguished: article, note, post, report, essay, interview, report, correspondence, review, review, essay,letter, advertisement, satire, etc. All the texts of articles, notes, interviews, reports, advertisements of the German-languagemagazines “Der Spiegel” and “Stern” for 2015 served as the research material. It is noted that function is a fundamentalscientific concept, emotional vocabulary is a special linguistic concept, and journalistic speech is a linguistic-stylisticconcept. It is claimed that emotional vocabulary does not have an unambiguous interpretation; its definition is determinedby the subject of study and the methodological base of the study. It was found that emotional vocabulary and its functionscorrelate with the journalistic genre, its subject matter, and linguistic and/or stylistic context. The classification of the mainfunctions of emotional vocabulary is proposed and illustrated; it is proved that pragmatic functions are manifested separatelyand in combination.
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