The article is devoted to the consideration of approaches to the study of worldview. In linguistic researches, whichare connected with the study of conceptual systems and cognitive aspects of the language, in particular those, whichstudy content and conceptualization of knowledge, its representation and ways of organization that form the worldviewof the language society, scientists are particularly interested in the mechanisms of modelling the worldview. In a broadsense, the worldview is an image of a whole world formed in the mind, in which ideas about reality, as well as waysof perceiving the world, are reflected indirectly through symbolic semiotic systems (in particular, language). There are threemain approaches to the study of worldview: cognitive, linguo-cultural, and psycholinguistic ones. In order to form the correctideas about the phenomenon of the worldview, it is necessary to consider how the problem of language relationships is interpreted within the framework of cognitive linguistics as a symbolic means of reflecting reality, on the one hand, and onthe other hand – consciousness as a system of knowledge that functions in the process of mastering of the real world,and the worldview as the result of the reflection of reality in consciousness. It is possible to differentiate the following typesof mystical worldview: artistic, cultural, sensual, naive, etc. The worldview, which is the ratio of language and culture,is extremely complex and multifaceted phenomenon. The relationship between language and culture can be seen asa relationship between part and whole. Language can be perceived both as a component and as a tool of culture. However,language is at the same time autonomous in relation to culture in general, and can be considered as an independent, selfcontainedsemiotic system. The worldview is a synthesis of two opposites: finite and infinite. Human life experience is finite,and the world, the image of which is formed in a person in the process of this experience, is infinite. Man's communicationwith the endless world results in the development of an image of the world that combines both of these features. Themystical picture of the world is at the intersection of mythological (supernatural creatures, vampires, etc.), religious (beliefin higher powers), artistic (created by writers) and scientific (the study of paranormal phenomena), is irrational in itsessence and is opposed to a rational explanation of the world.
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