Keywords: emotions, nature of emotions, gender contrast of emotions, intensity of emotions, “objective” emotions, folklore literature


In the scientific study the types and semantics of emotions in German proverbs and sayings are highlighted. Empirical material reflects the history, culture, philosophy, beliefs, character, and attitude of the people to the surrounding world. Attitude is a combination of three components – knowledge, emotions, and behavior. We distinguish between positive, negative and uncertain attitudes. Positive attitude are associated with a positive assessment, positive emotions, positive behavior, a negative – one with a negative assessment, negative emotions, and negative behavior. An uncertain attitude needs additional information or context. The concept of emotion is generalized according as a mental reaction of a person or an animal to significant external or internal stimuli. The article clarifies human, animal, “objective”, and undefined emotions. Human emotions are interpreted through the prism of social gender according to the formula “woman – man” and socialization according to the formula “personality – society”, animal emotions are consider through the prism of lifestyle and cult beliefs of the ethnos according to the formula “wild animal – domestic animal”, “objective” ones are reconstructed through the prism of culture according to the formula “language – language tool” and psychology according to the formula “emotion – emotional pattern”, undefined emotions are revealed through the prism of the semantics of the text according to the formula “speech – speech activity”. It was found that the nature of the analyzed emotions is dual, containing a natural, artificial or combined component. The natural and combined components are characteristic of human and animal emotions; the artificial component is detected only for objects. The intensity of expression of emotions, their classification and semantics are considered. “Objective” emotions are a product of artistic consciousness and poetic thinking. The prospect of further research of “objective” emotions in folklore literature from the standpoint of cognitive poetics is proposed, the complex method of conceptual analysis of the verbal poetic image developed by Prof. L. I. Bіelіekhova.


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