Keywords: cognitive linguistics, ethnolinguistics, cultural concepts, intercultural communication, cognitive processes


The article explores the role of the concept as one of the main units that form the linguistic picture of the world. Particular attention is paid to its structural characteristics and place in the language system. The concept is considered as a multidimensional phenomenon that combines various aspects of human experience, cultural traditions and national mentality. We analyze the ways of representing concepts in language, their connection with cognitive processes and influence on the formation of the worldview of individuals and society as a whole. Modern approaches to the study of concepts in linguistics are considered, in particular cognitive, psycholinguistic and ethnolinguistic, which allows a broader understanding of the phenomenon of the linguistic picture of the world. The role of concepts in intercultural communication and their significance for cross-cultural understanding is determined. The article is also devoted to the study of the concepts of linguistic and conceptual pictures of the world, as well as their varieties. The linguistic picture of the world consists of linguistic units. The conceptual picture of the world is the basis of the linguistic picture of the world. The conceptual picture of the world can be presented as cognitive, since it is the result of cognition (cognition) of reality and acts as a collection of ordered knowledge – the conceptosphere. Knowledge of the world is impossible without language, resulting in a linguistic picture of the world, presented in the form of a material embodiment of conceptual structures in language. The basic theoretical principles of interpretation of the terms picture of the world and concept are generalized on the basis of the analysis of the basic theoretical studies in cognitive linguistics. The basic approaches to understanding the concept are analyzed. The problems of understanding the linguistic picture of the world and the concept in the linguistic paradigm, the definition of the relationship between these concepts are indicated.


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