The article sets out to provide a description of a phraselogism as a unit of translation. The specific features of translation of animated films in the film discourse are being presented. Phraseological and non-phraseological ways of rendering praseologisms in translation according to S.Vlahov’s classification are described. Translation research is made on the basis of the translation of American animated films ‘Shrek’ and ‘Ice Age’ into Ukrainian. 250 phaseological units were picked out by random sampling for the translation analysis. Comparative translation research of English and Ukrainian cues of animated films reveals the frequency of usage of phraseological and non-phraseological ways of translation of phraseologisms. Phraseological way of translation of phraseologisms turned out to be the main way of their translation and constitutes 74% (185 phraseological units): phraseological analog is used in 42% (105 units), phraseological equivalent is used in 32% (80 units). Non-phraseological units turned out to be less frequently used way of translation of phraseologisms and constitutes 26% (65 phraseological units): contextual substitution is used in 16% (40 phraseologial units), word-for-word translation is used in 7% (18 phraseological units), lexical transformations are used 3% (7 phraseological units). The article also reveals mistakes in the translation of phraseological units in the Ukrainian translation of American animated films.
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