The article deals with the features of information world of translator. In the world today, the changes which are connected with information are typical. This situation may be explained with the development of information technologies and with new knowledge’s about possibilities of intellectual and physical human development. Therefore the investigations of the new situation in the world of information are especially interesting. This article considers the main types of information in the professional activity and in the private life of translator. Because of the social situation today and of the high intensiveness of translator’s work, the translator today can not frequently receive the information which is necessary and useful for the life and professional activity of translator. This situation is connected with contradiction when optimal development of life and activity is prevented by not optimal living conditions and conditions in professional activity. Therefore some translators are interested in the information about intellectual and physical
improvement in the human life, about optimal organization of professional activity, about health and well-being. Also the information about development and improvement of human life and professional activity, about health and wellbeing and similar information becomes actual and dominates for the significant quantity of men and women in the world including significant quantity of translators.
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