• S.M. Golub
Keywords: latin language, legal education, roman law, legal terminology


The article deals with the place and role of the Latin language in the system of disciplines of the legal faculties. The author develops in detail and gradually the idea of the importance of studying the Latin language for future lawyers. Based
on historical references and analysis of the works of prominent Roman lawyers, the author concludes that modern legal terminology has its origins precisely from Roman law, and therefore Latin in particular. Some sources of modern legal terms in connection with the Latin language and Roman law are analyzed. In particular, the article deals with the origin of terms such as "civil law", "jurisprudence", "lawyer", etc. In addition, the author draws attention to the actual Ukrainian legal terms as an integral part of the formation of the legal terminology of modern times. On the basis of such philological and retrospective analysis, the author draws the attention of readers to the problems of teaching Latin on legal faculties and to the lack of interest of students in learning the "dead language". Along with this, the author believes that there is no shorter way in mastering the legal sciences than through studying the basic terms of the Roman era, their bases and fields of application, which is exactly the task of Latin as a discipline.


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