semiotics of culture, culture text, cultural semiosis, cultural schemata, cross-cultural pragmatics
The article provides an insight into the notion of cultural semiosis. It is postulated that the cultural mechanism of transforming information into text is but another definition of semiosis. The article also provides argumentation to support the belief that cross-cultural semiosis is based on cultural schemata in the context of differences of lingual communities’ basic experiences. The study of differences in expectations based on these cultural schemata is viewed as a part of crosscultural pragmatics.
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2. Лотман Ю.М. О семиосфере / Ю.М. Лотман //Ученые записки Тартуского университета. Труды по знаковым системам. – 1984. – Т. 17. – № 641. – С. 5–3.
3. Lotman J. On the semiosphere / Jurij Lotman // Sign Systems Studies, 2005. – 33 (1). – P. 205–229.
4. Andrews E. Introduction / E. Andrews // J. Lotman. Culture and Explosion. – The Hague: Mouton de Gruyter, 2004. – P. XIX–XXVII.
5. Machado I. Lotman’s scientific investigatory boldness: The semiosphere as a critical theory of communication in culture / Irene Machado // Sign Systems Studies, 2011. – 39 (1). – P. 81–104.
6. Parrington John. In Perspective: Valentin Voloshinov [Electronic recource]. –Mode of access:
7. Voloshinov V.N. Marxism and the Philosophy of Language [Trans. L. Matejka and I.R. Titunik] / V.N.Voloshinov. – New York: Seminar Press, 1973.
8. Morris Ch. Writings on the General Theory of Sign [Ed. by T.A. Sebeok] / Charles Morris. – The Hague: Mouton, 1971. – 486 p.
9. Yule G. Pragmatics / George Yule. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996. – 138 p.
10. Wierzbicka A. Cross-cultural Pragmatics: The Semantics of Human Interaction / Anna Wierzbicka. – Berlin-New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 2003. – 502 p.
11. Лейбниц Г. В. Новые опыты о человеческом разуме / Г.В. Лейбниц. – М.: СОЦЭКГИЗ, 1936. – 484 с.
12. Goddard C. Men, Women and Children: The Conceptual Semantics of Basic Social Categories / Cliff Goddard, Anna Wierzbicka. – [Elrctronic resource]. – Mode of access:
13. Wierzbicka A. Understanding Cultures through Their Key Words / A. Wierzbicka. – New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997. – 317 p.
14. Tannen D. The pragmatics of Cross-Cultural Communication / Deborah Tannen // Applied Linguistics, 1984. – Vol. 5. – № 3. – P. 189–195.
15. Бацевич Ф.С. Нариси з лінгвістичної прагматики: Монографія / Ф.С. Бацевич. – Львів: ПАЇС, 2010. – 336 с.
16. Prykarpatska I. Why are you late? Cross-cultural Pragmatic Study of Complaints in American English and Ukrainian / I. Prykarpatska // Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses. – 2008 (21). – P. 87–102.