slot, semantics of linguistic networks, definitive analysis, lexeme, actualization, cognitive paradigm

  • Diana Volodymyrivna Sabadash
  • Tetiana Dmytrivna Hleb
Keywords: slot, semantics of linguistic networks, definitive analysis, lexeme, actualization, cognitive paradigm


Concepts reflect the processes of world perception, categorization and conceptualization of reality. Conceptual structures are examined by such scholars as V.I. Karasyk, O.S. Kubriakova, Yu.S. Stepanov, Y.A. Sternin, V.M. Teliia, I.B. Shtern etc.

The aim of this article is to model the frame structure of the concept STRONG MEDICINE on the bases of lexicographic sources and the novel “Strong Medicine” by Arthur Hailey.

The study identified the slots of the concept STRONG MEDICINE using the comparative analysis of the definitions of the lexeme medicine and the idiom strong medicine in lexicographic sources. This helped to single out the basic slot of the frame structure of the concept STRONG MEDICINE – “Something you are treated with” and the slot “Purpose of using medicine”.

The investigation of Arthur Hailey’s novel “Strong Medicine” helped to identify the slots: “Those who treat with the help of medicine”, “Those who are treated with the help of medicine”, “Those who distribute medicine”, “Purpose of using med­icine”, “Institutions where medicine is used” and “Medicine inventors”.

The usage of the semantics of linguistic networks, suggested by C.A. Zhabotinska, helped to identify five basic frames organizing the concept STRONG MEDICINE in Arthur Hailey’s novel “Strong Medicine”: the Object, Action, Possesion, Identification and Comparison frames.

In the article for the first time the frame structure of the concept STRONG MEDICINE was modeled and the specifics of its actualization in Arthur Hailey’s novel “Strong Medicine” were analyzed using the method of SLN by С. A. Zhabotinska. This comprises the scientific novelty of the study.

The scientific significance of the article is proved by its relevance, which corresponds to the general tendency of cog­nitive linguistics to examine the artistic works from the point of view of the identification of the relation of national, cultural and individual specifics in the writer’s conceptual picture of the world.

The analysis of the concept STRONG MEDICINE and its results contribute to the development of theoretical issues of cognitive science, which states the theoretical significance of the article.


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