• Alla Viktorivna Vorobiova
Keywords: rhetorical discourse, pathos, speech expressiveness, figurativeness, communicative effectiveness


The article discusses the theoretical foundations and practical mechanisms for the implementation of pragmatic component in the rhetorical discourse. The theoretical analysis reveals the relationship between modern rhetoric and linguistic pragmatics, the specificity of their interaction. The research also deals with the criteria for the effectiveness of the pragmatic component in the rhetorical discourse. The article considers the practical mechanisms of the pragmatic approach – the main speech characteristics (qualities) which are responsible for the degree of influence of pragmatism (speech expressiveness, figurativeness, communicative effectiveness). We describe the ways of achieving the rhetorical expressiveness in discourse: rhetorical figures, various ways of dialogizing, verbal and nonverbal expressive elements. The author analyzes the significance for using synonyms and antonyms as context clues from the semantic view and pragmatic position. Particular attention is paid to the criteria for evaluating acoustic and intonational indicators of the rhetorical discourse. Exploring the main pragmatic characteristics of speech, we determine the specificity of speech expressiveness, highlight the main strategies for achieving figurativeness. The author emphasizes the difference between the requirements for using the figures of speech in stylistics and modern rhetoric where such means of expression are intended to pursue the persuasiveness in order to ensure effective pragmatic position for the speaker. We propose a modern look at the figures of speech for demonstrating the power of a good argument, which can be created with accessibility and clarity of the word picture. We also indicate the role of figurative language such as metaphor and metonymy in speech creation. We especially focus on the basic concepts of communicative effectiveness (communication strategy, tactics and style). In essence, the study reveals the communicative strategy in rhetoric as planning for harmonizing communication. The criteria for determining the level of speaker’s pragmatic competence are proposed too. A detailed consideration of the theoretical foundations and practical mechanisms for the pragmatic component in public speech revealed the specificity of the persuasive components of public speech, outlined the prospects for their identification and evaluation in speech, and offered an actual tool for creating effective verbal and non-verbal elements of influence, successful strategies and tactics of persuasion.


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