The article presents the description of three topical classifications of “fake” news as new media platform of communication within modern media space. The latter is presented as a construal consisting of three layers (mediated, mediatizated and media).
The aim of our scientific search is to show the place of “fake” news within media space, to describe deep connection of functional loading of “fake” news with its taxonomy.
The article gives the definition of “fake” news, the semantics of “fake” is interpreted, special web-sites, which spread untrue, strange and sometimes doubtful news, are indicated. The usage of methods of synthesis, analysis and the methodological basis of synergy allows us to state about self-organization and self-reference of “fake” news that are capable to exchange information as well as respond to external changes immediately. The article proves that the order of parameter, as a key instrumental concept of synergy, in the texts of “fake” news is the “distorted” sense. This tendency is obligatory as the function of “fake” news, its form and content, theme and aim, the types of content and the ways of its spreading depend on the author’s skills. It is well-known that self-organizing systems have attractors and repellers explaining the creation of any text. Our research shows that the attractors of “fake” news are its functions as a result of cooperation of the author and the information deliberately imagined. Its factuality is represented in original text of news within mass media space. The repellers, which personify the order of parameter of the “distorted” sense, are different criteria as the basis of three topical classifications of “fake” news. These classifications are revealed by the method of synthesis. The distortion of information as a consequence of noncompliance of final result identity in the structure of original and “fake” news illustrates that any object with inner discrepancy is potentially comic and can be transformed in comic one within changed context that is the context of “fake” news. The role of the author’s “fake” news, which belongs to socio-critical orientated texts, accumulates two roles – the attractor’s as well as the repeller’s.
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