The article is devoted to the research of Ukrainian and Spanish color designations on the material of modern interpretative dictionaries, including publications of the modern press, the Internet, scientific and professionally oriented texts. Purpose. The main purpose of this study is to identify and describe the general and specific features of Spanish and Ukrainian color metaphors that represent fragments of national language paintings. Methods. The specificity of the study involves the use of different methods of accessing the material, in our work the main is a comprehensive method of research. Also, our study uses a comparative method that reveals similarities and differences in the structure, semantics, and functioning of names with color values, and allows us to establish a range of interlanguage correspondences and differences within the phenomena under study. Results. It is believed that phraseological units are very common in everyday language, and such phraseological units convey the emotional state of the person, its positive and negative character traits, and different social and cultural phenomena. Although the meaning of colors in different languages is not always the same, so the number of phraseological units the same color in different languages is different due to differences in the perception of the environment and different psychological interpretation of colors. Conclusions. Thus, in this study we have shown that the color and harmony of the outside world plays a significant role in the culture of all peoples, and in order to understand the language of a particular nation, it is necessary to study the influence of color in their culture. Researchers argue that color understanding, as well as its associated associations, is based on the centuries-old traditions of a particular people. Based on the material of phraseologisms of the color of the Spanish language, we have found that most often they cannot be translated into Ukrainian literally because of the absence of a similar symbol or association with one or another color. As a rule, such expressions are translated descriptively or with the help of Ukrainian phraseologisms, which underlie other images. A number of phraseologisms of the color of the Spanish language, without revealing structural analogues in Ukrainian, have a transparent meaning due to the coincidence of one or another color association. So, it can be noted that each language has its own way of “membership” of the spectrum, that is, color is connected with the history of the people, their culture, life, traditions and so on.
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