Keywords: concept, anthropocentric approach, voice nominations, artistic speech, motivated characteristics, structures of nominations, voice modifiers, context


The article discusses voice nominations (verbalizers) of the concept “voice”, different in terms of motivation and structure. The presented research was carried out in the area of cognitive science, namely, cognitive semantics. The anthropo-relevant nature of this concept, which acts as a constant of Ukrainian linguo-mentality in the belles-lettres text, has been determined. The relevance of the presented study is attributed to the anthropocentric focus of modern linguistics and the need for a new approach to the linguistic phenomena. A complex analysis of this concept verbalization is an area of promise and substantial potential. The survey was based on 100 contexts having voice nominations. These contexts were obtained through a complete selection of the works of Ukrainian writers: M. Khvylvyi, T. Osmachka, I. Bagryany, O. Dovzhenko. Structurizing the concept of “voice”, voice nominations were classified on two principles – a permanent or presently relevant characteristics and structural parameters. According to the first classification, the verbalizers of the concept “voice” were analyzed on a constant, “motivated” (S. Kodzasov) characteristics and on an occasional, presently relevant one. Both types of nominations have a diverse representation (more than 8 features) in the works of Ukrainian writers and give us an idea which voice characteristics are the most relevant for native speakers of Ukrainian. Voice acts as one of the potent means of character formation. According to the second classification, two main categories of nominations were determined, by which the concept “voice” is presented in Ukrainian linguo-mentality - explicit and implicit. Bellesletters texts testify that the implicit structure is the most frequent with the widespread presence of verbal and non-verbal nominations. The voice of the person (character) conveys a huge amount of extralinguistic information that we perceive at the subconscious level and which determines our perception of an utterance as well as a character in general. Verbalizers of voice perform the function of a psychological detail that characterizes the speaker. The variety of the representations shows that the concept “voice” is well structured, and therefore an important component of the linguistic picture of the world of the Ukrainians.


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