Keywords: hypnotic discourse, hypnosis, hypnostylistic patterns, hypnostylistics, hypnostylistic analysis


The article proposes the introduction into scientific circulation of the term hypnotic discourse, i.e. the resultof communication in a situation of hypnotherapeutic influence together with all (tangible and intangible) constituentsof the communicative situation. Hypnotic discourse is used in communication between the hypnotherapist and the clientduring a hypnotherapy session, and it is within it that the speech component plays a significant role. The purpose of thisstudy is to present the main linguistic patterns of English hypnotic communication, as well as to highlight the main linguisticfeatures of suggestions in English hypnotic discourse. The object of the research is hypnotic discourse in English,and the subject is the mechanisms of constructing a hypnotic communicative act in English. The material of investigationis the speech of hypnotherapists during hypnotic sessions in English with a total volume of about 50 hours. The articleconsidered the course of a typical session of hypnotherapy, which includes the following components: guidance, suggestion and output. Hypnostylistic patterns used by hypnotherapists to form a state of hypnotic trance in the clientwere also considered. It was suggested to refer to the branch of linguistics, which studies the linguistic features of hypnoticspeech, using the term hypnostylistics, and to the process of investigation the patterns of hypnotic speech, which wasdescribed – using the term hypnostylistic analysis. Hypnostylistic patterns of the lexical level were singled out. The articlesingled out hypnostylistic patterns of the lexical level, among which different types of non-specific speech were singled out(7 425 cases of its use were singled out) – nominalizations (41% of cases), non-specific adjectives (22% of cases), nonspecificverbs (18% of cases), non-specific (9% of cases), as well as non-specific pronouns and non-specific determinants,which together make up 10% of cases. They are the main tool of the hypnotherapist and are found in almost everysentence during hypnotic communication. The reason is that vague speech avoids incongruence during a hypnotic act.Other hypnotic patterns of the lexical level include the lost performative (1 834 cases), universal quantitative and modaloperators (1 912 cases) and predicates of awareness (2 187 cases). They are used with great frequency and are importanttools for the formation of hypnotic communication. In further explorations it is planned to cover other classes of hypnostylisticpatterns, in particular, hypnostylistic patterns of syntactic level.


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