• I.S. Bakhov
Keywords: translation, textuality, explicitation, understatement, transformation, explicit, implicit


The article is devoted to the study of conceptual phenomena ‘explicit’ and ‘implicit’ as linguistic processes of human thinking. The content and the essence of the explicitation concept is disclosed. It is traced how the ‘explicit’ and ‘implicit’ phenomena were applied in exploring explicitations in translation studies. Their application in the framework of the explicitation study, starting with the classical work of Vinay J. & Darbelnet J. is analyzed. Various views of the researchers of Blum-Kulka S. and Nida E. on explicitation in translation are presented. Attention is focused on the importance of explicitation in the release of information from implicit constructs to understand the meaning of the utterance. The Klaudy, K. typology of explicitation is presented, which includes mandatory clarification, optional explicitation, pragmatic explicitation, and explicitation relating to the translation. It is pointed out on the tendency of using traditional and textual explicitations in one and the same research in a varying degree. Three types of research are presented: studies using parallel texts, comparable texts, and studies using both of these methods. Reflected is the Séguinot C. view, specifying that explicitations can include the transformation of implied values, as well as all types of additions in general, and every change that makes the text more understandable in the target language.


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